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‘Avatar: The Way Of Water Earns Record 14 Visual Effects Society Award Nominations

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‘Avatar: The Way Of Water Earns Record 14 Visual Effects Society Award Nominations

James Cameron's dazzling performance came as no surprise in the nominations for the 21st annual Visual Effects Society Awards, announced on Tuesday. Juggernaut received 14 VES nominations, the most for a film or project in the history of the Society's awards.

This includes a nomination in the top category for Outstanding Visual Effects in Photorealistic Features. Along with Waterway , Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore's Mystery, Jurassic World: Dominion, Batman and Top Gun: Maverick are nominated in this category. Nominated in the Supporting Visual Effects category are Death on the Nile, I Want to Dance With Somebody, Storytellers, The Gray Man, Pale Blue Eyes and Thirteen Lives.

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio leads the way in animation with six nominations, including one for Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature. Meanwhile, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power leads broadcast with seven nominations, including Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photorealistic Story.

All five nominees for Best Feature Film, as well as Thirteen Lives for Visual Effects, are Oscar nominees. Batman and Maverick received three nominations; "Fantastic Beasts " and "Jurassic World " received two nominations each.

It was a disappointing morning for Marvel's Academy of Visual Effects nominations. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was only nominated for Best Effects, while Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was also disqualified . His last two Oscar-nominated VFX films All Quiet on the Western Front and No were also not nominated for a VES Award.

This year, VES introduced a new category of new technologies. Waterway received three nominations in this category for Deep Composition, Front System and Water Equipment Collection. The film was nominated for Animated Character (Kiri), Practical Effects, Composition and Lighting (Deforestation Scenes and Water Confluence), Effects Modeling (Fire/Extinguishing and Water), Modeling (Sea Dragon), Environment ( Environment" ("Village of Metkain"). and reef) and creative cinematographer.

In addition to the best category, Top Gun : Maverick was nominated in the Models (for F14) and Composition/Lighting categories. and Batman were also nominated for Fantasy Composition/Lighting and Cinematography.

Prior to today's Waterway nominations, the 2010 VES record for most nominations for a feature film was held by the original Avatar with 11 (and six awards). With 13 nominations (and three winners) in 2021, The Mandalorian is tied for most VES Awards nominations (and tied for second overall in VES Awards nominations) based on show/series represented.

The 21st annual VES Awards will take place on February 15 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. As previously mentioned, a Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented during the ceremony to Gail Anne Heard.

The full list of candidates is below.

You can see the visual effects in the photo

Starring: Waterway - Richard Baynham, Walter Garcia, Joe Letteri, Eric Sinden, JD Schwalm

Fantastic Beasts: The Mystery of Dumbledore - Christian Menz, Ollie Young, Benjamin Locks, Stefan Naze, Alastair Williams

Jurassic World: Dominion - David Vickery, Ann Podzny, Jans Rubiczyk, Dan Snape, Paul Corbold

Batman - Dan Lehmann, Brian Searing, Russell Earle, Anders Langlands, Dominic Tuohy

Top Gun: Maverick - Ryan Tuchope, Paul Mols, Seth Hill, Brian Litson, Scott Fisher

Support for the visual effects you see in photo features

Death on the Nile - George Murphy, Claudia Demel, Mathieu Reynolds, Jonathan Bowen, David Watkins

I Want To Dance With Someone - Paul Norris, Tim Field, Don Libby, Andrew Symonds

Fabelman - Pablo Helman, Jennifer Misener, Alexi Chernogarods, Jeff Kalmus, Mark Hawker

The Gray Man - Sven Gillberg, Viet Luu, Brian Grill, Cliff Wells, Michael Menards

Light Blue Eyes - Jake Brewer, Katherine Farrell, Tim Van Horn, Scott Pritchard, Jeremy Hayes

Thirteen Lives - Jason Billington, Thomas Horton, Dennis Bodine, Michael Harrison, Brian Cox.

Visual effects in animated actions

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio - Aaron Weintraub, Jeffrey Schaefer, Cameron Carson, Emma Gorby, Mad God, Chris Morley, Phil Tippett, Ken Rogerson, Tom Gibbons

Wonderful World - Steve Goldberg, Laurie Oh, Mark Hummel, Merdad Eswandi

Bad Guys - Pierre Perifel, Damon Ross, Matt Bayer, JP Sans

Sea Monsters - Joshua Beveridge, Christian Heynal , Sterling Daguid, Spencer Luders

Red Turn - Domi Shea, Lindsey Collins, Daniel Feinberg, Dave Hale

Visual effects that can be seen in the slideshow

Black Queen Dragon House - Angus Bickerton, Nico Ford, Sven Martin, Michael Bell, Michael Dawson

Frozen Worlds Prehistoric Planet - Lindsay MacFarlane, Faye Hancox, Elliott Newman, Christine Hall

Stranger Things 4 "The Piggyback" - Jabbar Raisani, Theron Pratt, Nicklas Jacobson, Justin Mitchell, Richard E Perry

The Payment Boys - Stefan Fleet, Shalena Oxley-Butler, Tristan Zeraffa, Anthony Patterson, Hudson Kenny

The Lord of the Rings: The Ring of Power - Jason Smith, Ron Ames, Nigel Summers, Tom Proctor, Dean Clark

Support for the visual effects you see in the photo gallery

Five Days to Memorial Day - Eric Durst, Danny McNair, Matt Whelan, Goran Powles, John McGillivray

Look What I See - Chris Wright, Parker Chehak, Tristan Zerafa, Oscar Peria, Tony Kenny

Dismissed "pilots" - Vadim Turchin, Nicole Méliès, David Piombino, David Russell

Old Man Part III - Eric Henry, Matt Robken, Jamie Klein, Sylvain Trox, J.D. Street

Vikings: Valhalla "The Bridge" - Ben Mosman, Melanie Callaghan, Matt Schofield, Chris Cooper, Paul Byrne

Visual effects are displayed in the project in real time

God of War: Ragnarok - Christopher Lloyd, Kerry Watts, James Adkins, Kevin Heung

Gotham Knights - Jay Evans, Brian Teberg , Matthew Hull, Alexander Belanger

Extreme Games Career - Aruna Inversin, Paul Pianezza, Kevin Williams, Kimberly Chaffer

Callisto Protocol - Glenn Schofield, Steve Papucci, Chris Stone, Demetrius Leal

The Last of Us Part One - Eric Pangilinan, Evan Wells, Eben Cook, Mary Jane Whiting

Commercial renderings

B&Q "Flip" - Patrick Croft, Holly Tracey, Alex Snooks

Frito-Lay "The Push" - Tom Raynor, Sophie Harrison, Ben Cronin, Martina Madedu

Ladbrokes Rocky - Greg Spencer, Alex Fitzgerald, Mickey O'Donoghue, Adam Burriff

Minions: The Rise of Gru - Jerome Viavan, Gilles de Lusignan, Benjamin Le Sterre

Virgin Media "Highland Rider" - Amir Bazazi, George Reed, Sebastian Caldwell, Alexey Kulikov

Visual effects in a special space project

ABBA: The Journey - Ben Morris, Edward Randolph, Stephen Aplin, Ian Comley

Avengers : Infinity War - Alan Woods, Bernice House, Scott Sohan, Jason Fox

Guardians of the Galaxy: Homecoming - Christopher Smith, Megan Short, William George, John Alexander

Jumanji Adventures - Martin Cutbill, Lim Thompson, Baptiste Roy, Marco Porenzi

Star Wars: Galactic Star Cruiser - Rob Blue, Patrick Kearney, Hatsho Orfali, Gabe Sabourin, Daniel Joseph

Strange Things: The Experience - Javier Rocca, Antoine Sitruc, Cale Jacox, Julien Forrest, Camille Michaud

A lively person appears in the photo

Starring: Waterway : Kyrie - Anneka Fries, Rebecca Louise Leyburn, Guillaume Francois, Jung-Rok Hwang

Animal : Leo - Alvis Avati, Bora Sahin, Chris McGaw, Krzysztof Bayoka

Disney Pinocchio : Honest John - Christophe Paradis, Valentina Rosselli, Armita Kanlarpur, Kyungmin Kim

The Land That Sleeps : The Pig - Fernando López Herrera, Victor Denis, Martin Chartrand, Lucie Martineta

An animated character appears on the animated farm.

Guillermo del Toro 's Pinocchio: Geppetto - Charles Greenfield, Peter Sanders, Shami Lang-Rinderspahr, Noel Estevez-Baker

Pinocchio Guillermo del Toro : Pinocchio - Oliver Bale, Richard Pickergill, Brian Leif Hansen, Kim Slate

Wonderful World : Splat - Letitia Gillette, Cameron Black, Dan Lipson, Lewis Jones

Blush: Panda May - Christopher Ballwin , Ethan Dean, Bill Scheffler, Kureha Yoko

An animated character in a real-time show, commercial, or project.

She-Hulk: The She-Hulk Lawyer - Elizabeth Bernard, Jean-Philippe Kramer, Edwina Ting, Andrew Park

Skull and Bones : Sam - Jonas Skog, Jonas Tornqvist, Goran Milik, Jonas Wikstrom

Callisto Protocol : Jacob Lee - Martin Cantel, Glauco Longhi, Jorge Jimenez, Atushi Seo

The Umbrella Academy : Pogo - Aidan Martin, Hannah Doherty, Olivier Boyerlein, Mia Kang

Create an environment in a photo environment

Cast: The Waterway : The Village of Metkayina - Ryan Arkes, Lisa Hardisty, Paul Harris, Taehyung, David Kim

Starring: Waterway : The Reef - Jessica Cawley, Joe W. Churchill, Justin Stockton, Alex Nutini

Jurassic World : Biocene Valley - Steve Ellis, Steve Hardy, Thomas Dolen, John Seru

Sleepland: Dreams of a Cuban Hotel - Daniel Dimitri Vedder, Mark Austin, Pawan Rajesh Upu, Casey Gorton

Perfectly created environment in the form of animation

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio : In the Belly of the Sea Monster - Warren Lotti, Anjum Sakarkar, Javier Gonzalez Alonso, Quinn Carvalho

A Year of Light: Tikany Prime Forest - Lenora Askidera, Amy Allen, Alice Minko, Jose L. Ramos Serrano

Wonderful World: The Windy Forest - Ki Chun Hong, Ryan Smith, Jesse Erickson, Benjamin Fiske

Sea Monster : The Huntsman - Johan Bang, Enoch Ede, Daniel George Chandengal, John Wallace

Wendell and the Savages : The Scream Show - Tom Prost, Nicholas Blake, Colin Babcock, Matthew Paul Albertus Cross

An environment created in a real-time show, store, or project

Andorra "Mathematics": Ferix - Pedro Santos, Chris Ford, Jeff Carson-Bartzis, Alex Murtaza

Boba Fett Honorary Award: Mos Ipa - Daniel Schmidt Leal, Phi Tran, Hassan Ilhan, Steve Wang

The Lord of the Rings : The Rings of Power "The Night": The City of Númenor - Dan Witten, Nico Delbecq, Dan Letart, Julien Gauthier

Lord of the Rings : The Rings of Power "Drifting": Hazud Doom - James Ogle, Peter Buidoso, Lon Krung, Shweta Bhatnagar

Fantasy films from CG project

ABBA: The Journey - Pierre M. Ekberg, John Galloway, Paolo Ari, Jose Burgos

Cast: The Waterway - Richard Baynham, Dan Cox, Eric Reynolds, AJ Brions

Prehistoric Planet - Daniel Fotheringham, Krzysztof Szczepanski, Wei-Chuan Hsu, Claire Hill

Batman: Rainy Car Chase - Dennis Yu, Michael J. Hall, Jason Desharlette, Ben BGL

A model that appears in a photo or animation project

Starring: Waterway : The Sea Dragon - Sam Sharplin, Stefan Scareppa, Ian Baker, Guillaume Francois

Sea Monsters - Max Okazaki, Susan Kornfeld, Edward Lee, Doug Smith

Top Gun : Maverick: F-14 Tomcat - Christian Peck, Claudio Ladavac, Aram Jung, Peter Dominick

Wendell & Wild : Dream Faire - Peter Damen, Paul Harrod, Nicholas Blake

Influence the characters that appear in the photos

Avatar : The Last Airbender: Fire and Destruction - Miguel Perez Saint, Javier Martin Ramirez, David Kirchner, Ole Geer Edsheim

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Jonathan M. Nixon, David Morton, Nicholas Illingworth, David Keira Graves

Black Panther: Always Wakanda : City Street Flood - Matthew Hanger, Alexis Hall, Hang Yang, Michael Zuluaga

Fantastic Beasts: The Mystery of Dumbledore - Jesse Parker Holmes, Graydon Solman, Toyokazu Hirai, Rob Richardson

Animation creates the effect of simulation in action

Light Year – Alexis Angelidis, Chris Chapman, Jung Hyun Kim, Keith Clooney.

Boots in Shoes: The Last Wish - Derek Cheng, Michael Losur, Kiem Ching Ong, Jingguan Huang

Wonderful World - Deborah Carlson, Scott Townsend, Stewart Grice, Yasser Hamed

Sea Monsters - Spencer Luders, Dmitry Kolesnik, Brian D. Casper, Joe Akroat

Influence simulators to appear in a scene, commercial, or project in real time.

Guillermo del Toro's Art Camera : Graveyard Rats - Amit Khanna, Oleg Myamukhin, Mario Marengo, Josh George

Stranger Things 4: Hawkins Cracks - Ahmed Gurab, Gavin Templer, Rachel Ayorke, Eri Ona

The Lord of the Rings: The Lord of the Rings : The Fall of Udun - Kurt Debens, Hamish Bell, Robert Kelly, Gabriel Rasisano

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: "Swallow" Water and Magma - Rick Hankins, Aaron Bonnar, Branko Grujcic, Laurent Carmel

Composition and light in one element

Avatar : The Last Airbender: Rocket's Land in the Jungle - Miguel Santana da Silva, Hongfei Geng, Jonathan Malin, Maria Korcha

Avatar : The Last Airbender - Sam Cole, Francois Suni, Florian Schroeder, Gene Matthews

Batman: Rainy Freeway Chase - Beck Veitch, Steven Tong, Eva Snyder, Rachel E. Herbert

Best Shooter : Maverick - Saul David Galbiati, Jean-Frédéric Veillet, Felix B. Lafontaine, Cynthia Rodríguez del Castillo

Mixing and lighting in one room

House of Dragons : The Black Queen's Dance - Kevin Friedrich, Sean Raffle, Florian Franke, Andreas Steinlein

Love, Death and Robots : Night of the Mini Dead - Tim Eames, Jose Maximiana, Reno Tissandi, Nasser Gurouf

The Book of Boba Fett: The Stranger Comes from the Desert - Luke Elike, Peter Demarest, Tammy Carter, Brandon McNaughton, Sirak Gebremouse

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power Swallow Knight of Tyraad - Sarnalingam P., Ian Copeland, Nessa Mingfang Zhang, Yuvaraj S.

Composition and light in action

Cartier "Tank" – Stéphane Pivron, Mathias Bardei, Valentin Lesueur, Eric Lemens.

Ladbrokes Rocky - Greg Spencer, Teha Duran, Georgina Ford, Jonathan Westley

Samsung "Game Time Over" - Damien Canameras, Guillaume Dadaliot, Sebastien Podsiedla, Christophe Pluier

Samsung The Spider and the Window - Marta Carbonell Amello, Stefan Susemil, Lonnie Wong, Chong Lee

Special (functional) effects are shown in the photo project

Avatar: The Waterway : The Present Car and the Wave Pool - JD Schwalm, Richie Schwalm, Nick Rand, Robert Spurlock

Black Man: Flight of the Robot - J. D. Schwalm, Nick Rand, Andrew Hyde, Andy Robot, Crazy God, Phil Tippett, Chris Morley, Webster Colcord, Johnny MacLeod

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power The Storm of Middle-earth - Dean Clarke, Oliver Gee, Elliott Naimi, Mark Robson

Visual effects in a student project (supported by AUTODESK)

Call her. From Desert to Sea - Mario Birch, Max Pohlmann, Lucas Loeffler, Til Zander-Titgemeier

BOOM - Romain Ogier, Charles Di Cicco, Gabriel Aughery, Laurie Pereira de Figueredo

Makula - Hadi Abu Ghazale, Lotera Reale, Marta Rodríguez-Nariego Nava, Jules Mashika.

Maroney - Maxim Kuit, Dimitri Allona, ​​Lucas Plata, Ngoc My Nguyen

ERMGING Technology Award

Avatar: Waterway : Complex of the Deep - Dejan Mamchilovic, Tobia B. Schmidt, Benny Edlund, Joshua Hardgrab

Avatar: Waterway: Face System - Byungkook Choi, Stephen Collingford, Stuart Adcock, Marco Ravilant

Image: The Waterway: Water Tool Kit - Alexey Dmitrievich Stomakin, Steve Leather, Sven Joel Rathborn, Douglas McHale

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio : 3D Printed Armor - Richard Pickergill, Glen Southern, Peter Saunders, Brian Leif Hansen

Going Red: Profile Service Providers and CurveNets - Kurt Fleischer, Fernando de Gus, Bill Scheffler

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